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Letitia Bryant

Principal Bassoon

Letitia Bryant, principal bassoon of the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, has been a member of the TSO since 1980. She has performed as principal with the Phoenix Symphony, the Arizona Opera, the Tucson Pops Orchestra, and is a member of the TSO Wind Quintet.

She has also performed with the Aspen Summer Music Festival Orchestra, the National Symphony Orchestra, and at the Wolf Trap Farm Park.

Ms. Bryant’s professional career began when she attended Northern Arizona University, playing principal bassoon in the Flagstaff Symphony Orchestra on a grant while pursuing a degree in performance on scholarship. During her enlistment in the Army as Bassoon Soloist of the United States Army Field Band, she attended the Catholic University of America where she studied with Truman Harris. Other teachers included Dr. Robert Koper, Leonard Sharrow and Willard Elliot.

Ms. Bryant has been teaching since 1975 and has written Bassoonit, a guide on reed making that has been distributed internationally. She began her solo career with the US Army Field Band, and has since appeared with the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, the Tucson Pops Orchestra, the Arizona Touring Orchestra, and at the Aspen Summer Music Festival.

In her spare time Tish enjoys her music writing, gardening, walking her dog and riding her motorcycle.