Are you trying to find a way to teach your students at home? Look no further than your Tucson Symphony Orchestra for different tools to engage with them. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be sharing select lesson plans from our education programs!
Prior to physical distancing, these programs brought TSO musicians into schools across Southern Arizona, impacting over 40,000 students. Now we will be sharing these lessons with you at home. It is the perfect opportunity for your child (and yourself!) to go on a musical education journey with your symphony.
Tucson Symphony Orchestra has been involved in music education for over 70 years. This lesson plan comes from our Music in the Schools program. Each year, participating schools receive TSO-produced curriculum materials specially designed to fit into limited class time and coordinate with required teaching standards.
The purpose of these materials is firstly to provide a useful tool for general classroom teachers with simple activities and articulated standards, and secondly provide students with fun ways to interact with the music and ideas they will encounter at Young People’s Concerts, a field trip they participate in each spring. Materials include a Teacher Guide, Activity Plans, Music Preview Tracks, and more!
As you work with these activities, please remember that you are the expert in judging the appropriate difficulty of lessons for your children, and we encourage you to modify each lesson accordingly. Look for opportunities to connect music activities to the other subjects you are teaching. For example, connect colors or structure in music to colors and structure in paintings, architecture, poetry, nature, literature, etc.
We invite you to share with us your own ideas and alternatives.
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