Have You Been Shopping on Amazon a lot More Lately?
Learn how to Support Tucson Symphony Orchestra while You Shop!
In order to do our part to reduce the spread of coronavirus, many of us have been avoiding brick and mortar stores by shopping online instead. While we always encourage supporting local businesses when possible, when you shop on Amazon you can also support your Tucson Symphony Orchestra simultaneously through https://smile.amazon.com/! Every time you buy an item associated with AmazonSmile, 0.5% of the price will be donated to your Tucson Symphony Orchestra. Here are some easy steps to set up AmazonSmile:

- Through your browser on your phone or at your computer, go to https://smile.amazon.com. You can also use the Amazon App for your phone, but please note that AmazonSmile does not work well from the app for a tablet—so just use the web browser on your tablet instead.
- Once you are signed into your account click or tap the menus with the three lines towards the top on the left side of the screen.
- Scroll all the way to the bottom of the menu and select “Your AmazonSmile.” It is just above the “Sign Out” option.
- At the top of the screen, you will see the option to select a charity. Please type in “Tucson Symphony Society.”
- That’s it! Now, every time you shop on Amazon, make sure you go to https://smile.amazon.com.