Robert Chamberlain directory profile photo

Robert Chamberlain


Robert Chamberlain is an active cellist in the Tucson performing arts scene, performing in a variety of different ensembles and venues throughout southern Arizona. Mr. Chamberlain earned a Bachelor of Music in Cello Performance from the University of Arizona in 2006, studying with Nancy Green, and a Master Degree from Indiana University in 2009 with Hungarian cellists Csaba Onczay and János Starker.

Active as an orchestra player, Mr. Chamberlain currently performs with the Tucson Symphony Orchestra, Arizona Opera Orchestra, and the True Concord Voices and Orchestra. While studying at Indiana University he was very active with the Richmond Symphony, Carmel Symphony, and Columbus Symphony Orchestras. As a chamber musician, Mr. Chamberlain has been featured on the St. Andrews Bach Society, Greater Oro Valley Arts Council, Downtown Chamber Series of Phoenix, and the Cedar Valley Chamber Music Festival concert series, and can be heard on Classical KUAT Radio.