With public school budgets stretched more thinly than ever, resources are inevitably pulled from arts education. The Arizona Tax Credit program fills the funding gap for many local schools, allowing thousands of students their only opportunity to experience live music. In 2022-2023, over 8,000 students from 70 schools joined the Tucson Symphony Orchestra for KinderKonzerts and Young Peoples Concerts, and 32 schools received three visits from the TSO String Quintet, Wind Quintet and Brass Quintet throughout the school year. The Arizona state tax credit program eliminated the cost barrier and enabled many schools to participate completely free of charge.
“It [the concert] was exceptional and so, so good for our students! They do not get much exposure to music and especially live music! The musicians were amazing and interacted so well with our autistic students. Thank you for this program and we are so thankful that we were able to participate in it this year.” – Johnathan, The Abbie School Teacher
Jonathan, The Abbie School Teacher
Music is a critical component to a student’s well-rounded education. Through the AZ Tax Credit program, schools are able to more easily bolster their students’ education through live experiences in music. Most TSO education programs can be funded by Tax Credit contributions, including Music in the Schools, KinderKonzerts, Young Peoples Concerts and Band and Orchestra Clinics. The Arizona Public School Tax Credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction on the taxes Arizona residents owe the State of Arizona, empowering taxpayers with the opportunity to decide exactly how their tax dollars are used. Currently there are 28 southern Arizona Schools in need of tax credit funds, averaging around $800 per school, that would enable them to participate in TSO education programs.
Historically our phenomenal donors and community members have stepped up to challenge and funded 100% of the schools in need! Will you help fund a school on this year’s list?
How much can I contribute? The maximum amount you can contribute to the Public School Tax Credit is:
$400 – Married, Filing jointly
$200 – Married, filing separately
$200 – Single/Unmarried Head of Household
How can I contribute? Make your contribution in 4 easy steps:
1. Choose an eligible school from the TSO School List
2. Write your check to the selected school, with “TSO Education Programs” on the memo line
3. Complete your Tax Credit Form (available on the TSO website)
4. Mail your check and tax credit form to the TSO no later than December 31st.
For tax credit form, TSO school list, and to learn more
Go to: tucsonsymphony.org/taxcredit
Stop by the: Information table in the lobby at TSO concerts
Email us at: education@tucsonsymphony.org
Call us at: 520.620.9167